Choon Hong
Few more days to start my sem break industrial training. Will go to Cameron Highland first before start my internship as my boss allow me to do so. (Thanks boss! XD). Well, there are some plan during my industrial training period. I will list out them out here so that I will always remember it. If I forget, at least someone who read my blog and care about me can always nag remind me about them.

Things to be done in 4 months period:
1. Sharpen my photo shooting skill, especially on taking portraits and models. Will make sure to bring along my camera whenever I go out for event.
2. Study about advance photoshop skills.
3. Put more effort on martial art training.
4. Prepare FYP2.
5. Oh ya, and most importantly is books.

I still have approximately 5 books that I bought during exam period. Will read them as I will travel outstation from time to time. Hope no more books that can caught my interest in this period.

End my post with a cup of caramel macchiato and a picture snapped in Mahkota Parade.

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